Soon after the mass-administration of the mRNA Vaccine, (an experimental treatment administering mRNA with its Polyethylene Glycol adjuvant), “unintended consequences” were reported in the medical literature. This article explains the pathogenesis of such adverse reactions, bringing one case-report as an example.
Archive for the ‘ Political Terrorism ’ Category
Complications-of-the-experimental-mRNA-Covid Vaccine:-A-synopsis-of-its-pathogenesis.
Friday, June 25th, 2021Friday, May 8th, 2020
One of the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s letters on vaccinations is being interpreted by some as an open endorsement of current Vaccination Laws. (The Rebbe encourages one not to deviate from accepted medical norms). This endorsement, however, is predicated by the assumption that Manufacturers adhere to proper standards of safety and quality-control. In 1986 the Department of Read more…
Thursday, March 19th, 2020Gene sequencing analysis strongly suggest that COVID-19, the current deadly viral pandemic, the virus originated in bats. which originated in Wuhan, China Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) resulted from bats before being transferred to humans in wet-markets via civet cats. These wet-markets create conditions conducive to the spread of the viruses responsible for both COVID-19 and SARS. While the bottom fell out of the Stock-market, creating a world-wide recession Professor Didier Raoult, Advisor to the French Government on COVID-19, announced that a majority of 24 non-randomized patients in Southern France responded to a short treatment trial of hydroxychloroquine, a well-established drug for the prevention and treatment of Malaria.
Lubavitcher-Rebbe-and Vaccinations
Tuesday, February 11th, 2020One of the Lubavitcher Rebbe`s letters on vaccinations is being interpreted by some as an open endorsement of current Vaccination Laws. (The Rebbe encourages one not to deviate from accepted medical norms). This endorsement, however, was predicated by the assumption that Manufacturers adhere to proper standards of safety and quality-control. According to Scientists from Merck, an unintended consequence of the 1986 “Vaccine Protection Act” was that, in contrast to all other drugs being developed (beginning in Non-Primates, and leading sequentially to Non-Human Primates, and finally healthy volunteers) and only released upon completion of such rigorous Safety Field Trials. In contrast, vaccines would now receive an EZ-Pass, exempt from the Field-Trials designed to protect the target-population from ever having to resort to injury-litigation. This was the condition that the Rebbe referred to as “internal quality – control”
Crown-Heights-Info-published-several-Letters-to-the-Editor-critical-of-an-article-titled-“A Shot-in-The-Dark”-published-by-Yonason-Rosenblum-
Tuesday, December 24th, 2019A 2011 study from the Vaccine Safety Datalink studied the occurrence of specific adverse events following more than 600,000 doses of Gardasil. As of May 13, 2013, VAERS had received 29,686 reports of adverse events following HPV vaccinations, including 136 reports of death, 922 reports of disability, and 550 life-threatening adverse events. More serious reported reactions include Guillain–Barré Syndrome (GBS), stroke, venous thromboembolism (VTE), seizures, and the severe allergic reactions include life-threatening anaphylaxis. This report is published by the government itself. Considering that Cervical Cancer is extremely rare in the Orthodox Community, the idea of it being mandated is quite frightening.
5 G Technocracy is a surveillance technology with the capacity to collect, analyze, and ultimately control your thoughts and behavior.
Monday, July 29th, 20195 G Technocracy is a surveillance technology with the capacity to collect, analyze, and ultimately control your thoughts and behavior based on the collection and rapid transmission of your bio-metric data to “Smart-City” technocrats.
Friday, December 7th, 2018First-responders are those rescuers that are first to arrive at any catastrophic event – whether “natural” (such as a flood or earthquake) or man-made (such as mass school-shootings or terrorist attacks). The knowledge obtained by studying enduring psychological reactions among rescuers has far-reaching public health implications. Following the spate of deadly mass-shootings over the past Read more…
How the Democrats used Christine Ford to torpedo Judge Brett Kavanaugh`s appointment to the Supreme Court
Friday, September 28th, 2018Dr. Christine Ford (the claimant) was selected because she suffers from lifetime Anxiety and has a Borderline Personality Disorder (B.P.D.), whose key symptoms overlap with PTSD. This would have provided the clinical material used to blame Judge Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting Dr. Ford 37-years previously. She even justified delaying the the Sexual-Assault Hearings by claiming that her trauma-symptoms included a flying-Phobia from her PTSD. “Avoidance Symptoms” (such as flying Phobias) are key for the diagnosis of PTSD. This highlights the importance of the Prosecutor’s discovery that Dr. Ford flew frequently, both for her work-requirements and recreationally. She lied about not being able to fly. Trauma-Victims are also tormented by the flashbacks from over-memorizing most details of a serious psychological trauma. Some patients even have “anniversary” flare-ups. Yet the proposed victim failed to remember the date or location of the trauma-event: Only the name of her assailant. Even Ford`s key supporting witness denied under oath that any of this even happened. Dr. Ford has symptoms of chronic anxiety and swears that someone lay on her at a party (while both were fully clothed) and placed his hand over her mouth as she was about to start screaming. I would propose that at 15 years, a highly fragile and anxious Christine Ford had some form of sexual encounter (foreplay), that precipitated a panic attack. But it wasn`t Judge Kavanaugh. And such behavior is so frequent and age-appropriate, that paid it any attention.
The Confirmation Hearings of Judge Brett Kavanaugh: An example of Political Terrorism
Thursday, September 27th, 2018The stage appeared set for the “Perfect Storm”: Urgently in need of optics that portrayed the Republicans as a club of White-Men bullying a traumatized assault- victim, they limited their role to a single interview by a Trauma-Prosecutor. What “real-life”, spontaneous, interaction occurred, was limited to the Democratic Members of the Judicial Committee. And Christine Read more…
Sergei Skripal was probably poisoned by M-16 and blamed on Putin because of his close relationship with Christopher Steele.
Wednesday, May 16th, 2018Inadvertently, through his close relationship with Christopher Steele, Sergei Skripal had become a hazard to the secret society in the Intelligence Underworld, and Britain`s role in framing Trump. According to the report by McCarthy in the National Review, Counterintelligence involves national-security powers, and it is a weighty matter to apply these powers — as opposed to criminal-investigative authorities — to American citizens. The committee therefore wanted to know what foreign intelligence had spurred the probe.
When Nunes was finally allowed to look at the Electronic Communication by which the FBI opened its counterintelligence-investigation, there was no such report, no “Five Eyes intelligence product” at all. To consolidate that scapegoating maneuver became an urgent priority, using the reliable compliance of the U.N. Security Counsel. Following an Emergency Session, the Russians found themselves floundering for explanations, given their existing bad-record regarding micro-chemical attacks against political dissidents. Blinded to events on the ground, even the U.S. joined in the condemnation of Russia for conducting a Chemical Attack on it`s ally Great Britain. Little did the U.S. know that she was in fact becoming an enabler in burying the evidence that remained the potential clue to the conspiracy to remove their President from Office. Truth be told, Putin lacked any motive to dispense of the Skripals on foreign soil.
Antisemitism in the media through omission: How the media used Trayvon Martin to avert any mention of Mohamed Merah
Friday, December 29th, 2017How many in the U.S. are familiar with the name Mohamed Merah? When the trial-date was set accusing George Zimmerman of murdering Trayvon Martins, pundits were predicting it would be watched by 200 million people. It would be the most sensational trial since O.J. Most homes in the U.S. would be exposed to some coverage Read more…
Trump and many on the right are in denial that Obama will cease at nothing to take Trump out of the W.H.
Monday, August 14th, 2017Imagine not knowing the names, country of origin, addresses, S.S. Numbers, cellphone numbers on millions of illegal immigrants ? Mainly from the South American continent, and tens of thousands from the Middle-East. Thousands of Muslims were accidentally taken in from Syria “by accident”. Thousands of unidentified Muslims headed for deportation were accidentally mad into citizens. Read more…
Why Congress won`t Repeal Obamacare
Monday, August 14th, 2017Anyone with an understanding of the reasons behind the legislation of Obamacare would understand the resistance of the Washington swamp in allowing any attempt to legislate it`s “Repeal” . With the Repeal of Obamacare (and the reason for President Trump`s urgency to get this done), non-governmental heath-care providers will have no difficulty in rapidly filling the vacuum with multiple competing inexpensive health-care models. Those in a position to solve the problem are just waiting for government to clear the way.
Was the attack on Republican House of Representatives spontaneous?
Friday, June 16th, 2017Hodgkinson`s giveaway was to throw the investigation off track by his inquiry about “who’s practicing today, the Democratics or Republicans?”. He already knew that. If not, why did he bring along the weapons and amount of ammunition to the specific location at the specific time? He had already been familiarized with all those details.
The reason for posing the question in such a casual way was to create a ruse to make the planned extermination of the Republican Leadership appear like something spontaneous.
Hodgkinson`s giveaway was to throw the investigation off track by his inquiry about “who’s practicing today, the Democratics or Republicans?”. He already knew that. If not, why did he bring along the weapons and amount of ammunition to the specific location at the specific time? He had already been familiarized with all those details.
The reason for posing the question in such a casual way was to create a ruse to make the planned extermination of the Republican Leadership appear like something spontaneous.
Since September 2015, Palestinian attackers have killed 40 Israelis and two visiting Americans.
Thursday, January 12th, 2017The front line of attack on all Civilization is filled by incited youth being used as “useful idiots” for virtually all of the News- Outlets; Military Judicial-Panels; and the International Court of Justice, who reflexively implement resolutions made in a U.N. dominated by Muslim and Third-World countries. These Ambassadors live a life of lavish in one of the world`s most-popular tourist centers at the expense of U.S. Tax-Dollars, while on a mission to destroy Israel`s legitimacy for fabricated “War-Crimes”.
Vehicular Terrorism in Jerusalem and the world`s complicity
Monday, January 9th, 2017It would be difficult to choose between the most unfortunate military in the world. Despite the similar self-restraint dynamic under-pinning, Israel has to win the first prize. Unlike their American voluntary counterparts being forced to fight a war they`re not permitted to win, the I.D.F. consists of 18 and 19-year-old forced-enlistees together with older reservists who leave Read more…
CNN sends Donna Brazile flying after being caught feeding Hillary questions prior to her debate with Sanders.
Tuesday, November 1st, 2016CNN sends Donna Brazile flying after being caught feeding Hillary questions prior to her debate with Sanders. According to Wikileaks, prior to the debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, Interim Democratic Chairwoman and employee of CNN Donna Brazile notified Hillary Clinton and her campaign-manager Podesta a question that would be fielded from the audience Read more…
The Election is fixed: Why America`s final election cannot be reversed.
Friday, October 14th, 2016Can the U.S. find a group of Maccabees willing to stop at nothing to save the republic ? A short list of what Hillary has done without the power of Presidency gives pause to reflect on how long we can last withot borders, with shrunken salaries, without affordable health-care, and infiltrated by the Egyptian Brotherhood. In short, a world ruled by Hillary !
Frank Luntz focus Group provides Empirical Evidence that Trump will win if he compassionately articulates the threat of a Hillary Presidency
Tuesday, October 11th, 2016It was in the Frank Luntz work-group on 10/10/2016 in the Fox News channel at 8-9 p.m. when Bill-O`Reilly hosted a post-debate sample (among other topic-experts being interviewed) that a scientifically-sound measure of Participants showed physiologically-based favorability elevations when he engaged Hillary in a certain way. In a perfectly-timed pre-debate release, Hillary pulled the antics Read more…
Hillary rigged the First Presidential Debate with the help of both a Moderator and Teleprompter
Wednesday, September 28th, 2016As a Block-Director in various Neuroscience Courses at S.U.N.Y. we requested that each lecturer submit 3-4 potential questions for the final Block-Examination we followed standard scales of question neutrality. To the point that lecturers were often embarrassed when shown how the wording of a question tilted astute students to correctly answer questions in a subject Read more…
Meeting between Rabbi Drazen and the Rebbe of Lubavitch leading to the publication of the "Divine Code": The Template for a Universal Ethical Code of Justice
Monday, July 4th, 2016Ancient Hindu Scripture argues that Law is a crucial feature of the Creation of the Universe. “Dharma`s Law is the Power of Powers”. There is nothing Higher than The Law. Thenceforth even a weak man rules a stronger with the help of the Law, as with the help of a King (Robert Ballou, editor, The Bible of the World. New York: Viking Press, 1939, pg. 41).
The Template for the latest Israeli victims of Arab Terror
Saturday, June 11th, 2016A teenage girl was murdered Thursday morning in Kiryat Arba when a terrorist broke into her home and stabbed her dozens of times as she lay in bed. A second victim, a member of the town’s civilian security team who responded was seriously wounded. A Kiryat Arba spokesperson said the terrorist penetrated the town’s security Read more…
The outbreak of Azika Virus in Brazil following Maternal Vaccination: Coincidence or design ?
Friday, June 3rd, 2016The Azika virus was initially identified in 1947 in Uganda, where it was originally limited to rhesus monkeys. It’s an arbovirus, meaning the disease is transmitted via mosquito, tick or flea bites. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists malnutrition and exposure to toxic chemicals as two of the three known risk Read more…
Trump`s Problem with likeability. Is it really a problem ?
Monday, April 25th, 2016Those Americans who “get-it”, will elect whoever is qualified to save the country, likeability be damned.
Trump and Cruz need a narrative to protect us from the disinformation-warfare of the Left.
Thursday, March 24th, 2016The parallel between Israel and the West in finding a remedy to an Islamic Trojan -horse lies in winning the war of disinformation . It`s what Victor Frankl termed “finding the narrative”. How does a host embed itself amidst alien communities that threaten the host`s autonomy. Or “How do we find a narrative that allows our continued survival ?
Type – I and Type – II Trauma Models
Friday, August 7th, 2015Type I Trauma responses relate to a single terrifying event, often shocking or catastrophic, and usually totally unanticipated. Survivors of these events may suffer a wide array of symptoms, including intense fear, or even dissociation, where the individual’s awareness and ability to engage psychologically in the present is usurped by traumatic material or defenses. The Read more…
Religion, conflict, and Archetypes
Wednesday, February 25th, 2015To Carl Jung, the characters, events, and narratives described in the Bible and other primary source material such as Greek Mythology serve an Archetypal function. Archetypal images are more than historical occurrences, but serve as templates that drive subsequent patterns, functioning like D.N.A. prototypes for complex schemas that are hard-wired into creation. Archetypal forces predict Read more…
Dutch Intelligence Agency overwhelmed by returning returning ISIS recruits
Wednesday, February 18th, 2015The Dutch Intelligence and Security Service has warned of a rapid rise of Salafism among second and third –generation young Muslim men and women in France, the Netherlands and the U.K. who have joined terrorist groups like Jabhat al-Nusra, an al-Qaida affiliate, and other Islamic terrorist groups like the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Read more…
The Yom-Kippur debacle: How Israel`s underlying “Good Mother Complex” toward the U.S. almost proved fatal
Friday, January 30th, 2015In my book titled Psychological Trauma, I attempt to explain the interpersonal dynamics of three functional entities involved in abuse, whether domestic or political (published by Authorhouse, 2015). A model posing a triad of predator, victim, and caretaker, applies both at the individual or community level. Since its establishment as a sovereign Jewish State in 1948, Read more…
Israel`s Yom Kippur debacle as reported in Golda Meir`s Autobiography
Thursday, June 26th, 2014In my book Modern Political Terrorism, I attempt to explain that there are usually three parties involved in domestic or political abuse (Published by Richard Altschuler & Associates 2007). Since Israel was established as a sovereign State in 1948, despite continuous boycotts and sanctions from the U.N., Europe and many of the African and Muslim Read more…
To this day, America`s Foreign-Policy template is based on an assumption that Israel needs to make “painful territorial concessions”
Thursday, June 26th, 2014Following the Holocaust, the “League of Nations” was expanded in size and authority into a collective world body named “The United Nations” to serve the collective function of civilization charged with the mission to protect civilian minorities from a repetition of another holocaust. Shortly after the establishment of the Jewish State a tragic irony emerged characterized by a pattern of ante-Israeli scapegoat-ism. Israel first turned to France, and then to the U.S. as its sole ally. The Yom Kippur War exposed how this decision placed Israel in peril. The final chapter of this deception in now being openly and shamelessly displayed.
Psychological Responses to Continuous Terror
Sunday, August 11th, 2013Psychological Responses to Continuous Terror Expert Panel Discussion: The Continuous Terror Paradigm proposed by Dr. Shalev and colleagues from Hadassah University Hospital. Dr. Trappler M.D. (Associate Professor of Psychiatry at S.U.N.Y. Downstate). While many studies in psychological literature evaluate PTSD following a discrete traumatic occurrence, the recent article by Dr. Shalev and colleagues evaluates Read more…
M.M.R and the fatal attraction of second-generation post-Auschwitz victims to biological experimentation.
Tuesday, July 30th, 2013On my Website, I have posted letters of endorsement, from Professor (Lord) Phillip Tobias, the Deans of SUNY Downstate, and the Chairmen or Directors’ of various elite Departments. When it came to the promoting my new Website “”, I submitted a personalized note of gratitude from a holocaust survivor. The survivor thanks me in Read more…
Trayvon Martin conceals Mohamed Merah
Monday, July 15th, 2013How many in the U.S. are familiar with the name Mohamed Merah? When the trial-date was set accusing George Zimmerman of murdering Travon Martins, pundits were predicting it would be watched by 200 million people. It would be the most sensational trial since O.J. Most homes in the U.S. would be exposed to some coverage Read more…
Was Trayvon Martin used as a cover-up ?
Monday, July 15th, 2013How many in the U.S. recognize the name Mohamed Merah ? When the trial-date was set accusing George Zimmerman of murdering Travon Martins, pundits were predicting it would be watched by 200 million people. It would be the most sensational trial since O.J. Most homes in the U.S. would be exposed to some coverage Read more…
War Torn Civilian Victims of Political Terrorism
Friday, May 17th, 2013War Torn Civilian Victims of Political Terrorism Following the Twin Tower Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 and the July 2005 bombings of the London mass-transit system, results of national surveys appeared to indicate that there was an initial stress response affecting large percentages of the population, followed by some form of natural habituation in Read more…
PTSD- A comparison between genocide and natural disasters.
Wednesday, August 24th, 2011PTSD- A comparison between genocide and natural disasters. Emotional well-being depends on a nurturing environment that ensures consistent basic material and emotional necessities. Natural or man-made disasters (such as civil war or genocide) can cause terrible personal loss, injuries, illness, and loss of vital resources. While the survivors of such tragedies may recover from their Read more…
What happened to the Jewish Community of Gush-Katif ?
Thursday, May 5th, 2011What happened to the Jewish Community of Gush-Katif ? Israeli officials announced on April 17th that they had arrested two Palestinian teenagers from the village Awarta, about five weeks following the brutal slayings of five members of the Fogel family on the Sabbath eve of March 11th, in the Jewish settlement of Itamar. The suspects, Read more…