Archive for the ‘ General Principles Of Recovery ’ Category


Friday, December 7th, 2018

First-responders are those rescuers that are first to arrive at any catastrophic event – whether “natural” (such as a flood or earthquake) or man-made (such as mass school-shootings or terrorist attacks). The knowledge obtained by studying enduring psychological reactions among rescuers has far-reaching public health implications. Following the spate of deadly mass-shootings over the past Read more…

Sunday, August 13th, 2017

Most consumers don`t know about Obamacare`s hidden agenda. When the Patriot Act was passed, we all believed that it was to protect Americans by disrupting or tracking the ways our enemies communicate via social media within our geographic confines. Then we discovered that the surveillance actually was directed towards U.S. Citizens. Later we found that Read more…

Meeting between Rabbi Drazen and the Rebbe of Lubavitch leading to the publication of the "Divine Code": The Template for a Universal Ethical Code of Justice

Monday, July 4th, 2016

Ancient Hindu Scripture argues that Law is a crucial feature of the Creation of the Universe. “Dharma`s Law is the Power of Powers”. There is nothing Higher than The Law. Thenceforth even a weak man rules a stronger with the help of the Law, as with the help of a King (Robert Ballou, editor, The Bible of the World. New York: Viking Press, 1939, pg. 41).

The Tripartite Theory of Trauma Psychological

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

The Tripartite Theory of psychological Trauma proposes that the dynamics in which trauma plays out should be broadened to include the role of derelict caretaker-functioning; which completes a dynamic triad to that of victim-predator-caretaker.
When a parent or other caretaker (including a government) fails to protect the potential victim, leading to a trauma occurrence. When domestic or political caretakers collude with or emulate the role of the predator , the delicate balance required for communal survival is disrupted. While media-attention tends to focus on the drama of particular trauma-events, the role of caretaker failure remains elusive despite its role being the most critical variable.

Bonding with a "Good Caretaker" protects against Psychological Trauma.

Thursday, April 18th, 2013

In the immediate aftermath of a catastrophic event on an individual or community, most survivors are left in a heightened state of arousal, apprehension, and even confusion. These symptoms will usually dissipate after days or weeks, provided that the “situation on the ground” is stabilized. The survivor has to feel the unimpeded ability to travel, communicate with significant others, and safe access to food, shelter, and medical assistance. Failure to provide basic rescue services to civilian populations during Natural Disasters and civil war, brings a compounding trauma-effect of displacement, separation, and poverty, which can be devastating and probably cause permanent damage on core ego functions, children bearing the main brunt.