Posts Tagged ‘ trauma-victim ’


Friday, December 7th, 2018

First-responders are those rescuers that are first to arrive at any catastrophic event – whether “natural” (such as a flood or earthquake) or man-made (such as mass school-shootings or terrorist attacks). The knowledge obtained by studying enduring psychological reactions among rescuers has far-reaching public health implications. Following the spate of deadly mass-shootings over the past Read more…

Trump`s Problem with likeability. Is it really a problem ?

Monday, April 25th, 2016

Those Americans who “get-it”, will elect whoever is qualified to save the country, likeability be damned.

Trump and Cruz need a narrative to protect us from the disinformation-warfare of the Left.

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

The parallel between Israel and the West in finding a remedy to an Islamic Trojan -horse lies in winning the war of disinformation . It`s what Victor Frankl termed “finding the narrative”. How does a host embed itself amidst alien communities that threaten the host`s autonomy. Or “How do we find a narrative that allows our continued survival ?

To whom does the Temple Mount belong ?

Thursday, October 29th, 2015

The connection between God and the Universe is through the Ten Commandments. They were given to Moses by God Himself. That contract, made between God and the Jewish People, lies in the Temple Mount. That contract doesn`t need the approval of the U.N. or any other agency from this lowest world, since it binds us in such high Celestial Spheres that transcend time.

The Yom-Kippur debacle: How Israel`s underlying “Good Mother Complex” toward the U.S. almost proved fatal

Friday, January 30th, 2015

In my book titled Psychological Trauma, I attempt to explain the interpersonal dynamics of three functional entities involved in abuse, whether domestic or political (published by Authorhouse, 2015). A model posing a triad of predator, victim, and caretaker, applies both at the individual or community level. Since its establishment as a sovereign Jewish State in 1948, Read more…

The Tripartite Theory of Trauma Psychological

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

The Tripartite Theory of psychological Trauma proposes that the dynamics in which trauma plays out should be broadened to include the role of derelict caretaker-functioning; which completes a dynamic triad to that of victim-predator-caretaker.
When a parent or other caretaker (including a government) fails to protect the potential victim, leading to a trauma occurrence. When domestic or political caretakers collude with or emulate the role of the predator , the delicate balance required for communal survival is disrupted. While media-attention tends to focus on the drama of particular trauma-events, the role of caretaker failure remains elusive despite its role being the most critical variable.

Effects of prolonged trauma on Self-Functions

Thursday, May 16th, 2013

February 15, 2012 The core elements of the PTSD construct  consist primarily of  the three  “symptom-domains”,  of  “Intrusive Symptoms” (such as flashbacks), “Over-Arousal” (such as heightened vigilance and exaggerated startle-response), and ‘Avoidance”. This is the most common outcome to a single, life-threatening event  (or Type-I Trauma). In contrast, individuals subjected to repeated physical  or emotional “abuse”, Read more…