CNN sends Donna Brazile flying after being caught feeding Hillary questions prior to her debate with Sanders.
According to Wikileaks, prior to the debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, Interim Democratic Chairwoman and employee of CNN Donna Brazile notified Hillary Clinton and her campaign-manager Podesta a question that would be fielded from the audience regarding a young woman whose family had lead-poisoning what, if anything, Hillary as president, would do to help the people of Flint”.
The next day, at the CNN Town hall debate, a young woman from the audience did, indeed, field a question from a woman in the audience:
“After my family, the city of Flint, and the children in D.C. were poisoned by lead, can you make a personal promise to me right now that, as President, you Would make it a requirement that all public water systems remove all lead ….?”
Clinton responded: “Folks, I did a service project today. It’s so tragic. And what’s worse, some homes have not been tested and it’s important to encourage seniors to also get tested.”
A few weeks previously, Brazile had to deal with a Wikileaks document suggesting (that in a different debate with Sanders), she had given the Clinton-campaign a “heads-up” on case involving a troublesome death penalty.
In other words, had the Interim Democratic Chairwoman employee of CNN not fed Hillary the questions prior to the Democratic debates, she may have lost so resoundingly to Sanders that it would have been more-difficult for the Democratic Super-delegates to overturn him as the Democratic Nominee.
Shouldn`t that not give Sanders` supporters pause prior to endorsing her?…
Following the Brazile revelation, CNN reported that after learning of the e-mails, they were completely uncomfortable with what they had learned.
But by 10/31/2016, the Washington and New York Times were reporting that CNN was now announcing that they had now cut ties with the Interim Democratic National Committee Chairwoman.
Donald Trump declares the extent of corruption
Tags: Neocortex, political terrorism, Stockholm Syndrome, trauma re-enactment, unheeded cry