Attack by the Resistance Movement: How the Mainstream Media and Government Institutions have coddled anarchy by the Radical Left.

June 27th, 2018

In my most recent publication on Political Trauma I go to some length showing the validity of the construct of the “Trauma-Triad”. Numerous case-studies illustrate the antecedents of trauma against individuals or communities occurring when the predator is either authenticated, validated, or even subliminally given a “green-light” by the “caretaker”. For instance, a failure of Congress to censure Maxine Waters for inciting the American public to “harass them. Get in their face. At malls, gas -stations, restaurants (referring to anyone holding any political office under President Trump). Don’t let them show their faces in public”.

So when a lynch-mob surrounded Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of Homeland Security, while having dinner at a Mexican restaurant,  jeering, insulting, and threatening her, then proceeding to follow her home, the response of Maxine Waters, an elected Democratic member of Congress, advocating the continuance of mob incitement with statements such as “if those children (escorted by human-and drug-traffickers illegally across the border) can`t sleep in in beds at night we won`t let them (Immigration Officials) sleep at night”. What she failed to mention was that images flashed across the country by the Mainstream Media of unaccompanied illegal children in holding-pens, were taken in 2014 – under Obama`s watch.

Whether it`s the Mainstream Media, a political party or even a Social Media Platform, like Facebook or Instagram, using their platforms for incitement, or subliminally for a “call to action”, this also falls under the spectrum of enabling predatorial behavior of the Radical Left (whose Globalist agendas they share). But this also increases the threat-level to the victim.

This is a fact that can be illustrated with scientific predictability.

When approaching the ethical question of how one should determine threat level for deductive measures of justifiable self-defense, the same model can be applied to a household being stormed by a street – gang, a Cabinet-member being threatened by a lynch-mob, a Conservative Guest-Speaker being attacked by a group of ANTIFA Activists at Berkeley or the University of Irving, or a rush by Gazans on Israel`s Border-Fence: The level of lethal threat to the victims involved would be commensurate with the size of the lynch-mob, their weaponry, and the intensity of their veracity. Lethality also correlates positively with the restraining effect placed on Law-Enforcement, since “rules of engagement” have been designed by the Fanatical Left to restrain Caretakers (such as Campus Police and Immigration Officials) from responding with the adequate force required to subdue the predators.

This form of political handcuffing was built into Alinsky’s Methodology of Revolution. The goal of the “Resistance Movement” applies only to those seeking to assist to the victim. In a bizarre twist of logic, the goal of the Press, and the attorneys who magically appear at these violent flash-points (involving politically-driven agitators, gang-members, and terrorists (like Hamas), is either to fabricate a moral equivalence between perpetrator and victim, or, when possible, spin a complete role-inversion depicting the victim as the true predator.

Using the power of disinformation, the public is manipulated into the perception that the victim is really the predator. The moral imperative is then placed on the individual under threat to justify any use of force to fend-off “the barbarians at the gate”.

And should the victim respond under the perception of threat, the leftists can fall back on the mantra that “cool heads should prevail on both sides”. In my most recent publication on Political Trauma I go to some length showing the validity of the construct of the “Trauma-Triad”. Numerous case-studies illustrate the antecedents of trauma against individuals or communities occurring when the predator is either authenticated, validated, or subliminally given a “green-light” by the “caretaker”. This constitutes a deceptive act of collusion between predator and Caretaker.

At a global level, this is the dynamic at play between the Terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah. With the assistance of the Mainstream Media parked in Gaza, Hamas fire missiles from hospitals, UNESCO Schools, and other highly-concentrated Arab civilian areas to maximize the casualty count to non-combatants as a propaganda tool.

This myopic view flashed throughout the Associated Press then poses the question to the Israelis: “Did you use live ammunition against the community organizers or against their human shields?”

Which raises the larger question of “What right do you have to protect your National Sovereignty?”

Once that question goes unanswered, as we`ve recently observed, the cancer metastasizes to members of President`s Trump`s staff being driven out of public venues for doing nothing more than existing.

When a point is reached where the combination of threat-indicators meets a certain threshold, some consideration should also be given to the perception of the victim. In this analogy, a rush on the fence of a nation’s borders is no different to an attack on the members of a household.

This makes the case of removing Maxine Waters from government (as the U.N. has abused it`s power against Israel) for inciting the American public to “harass them, get in their face – at malls, gas -stations, restaurants” (referring to anyone holding any political office under President Trump). “Don’t let them show their faces in public”.

Members of government are charged with the responsibility of serving their electorate, not to enable or instigate acts of violence.

The same level of civil responsibility applies to Mainstream Media, political parties, and Social Media Platforms: It is incumbent on them to appoint and comply with oversight to ensure that they no-longer collude with the provocation, incitement, or subliminal encouragement of predatorial Left-Wing base.

Irresponsible and unverified exposure to the public of inflammatory material has increased the threat-level to their unsuspecting patrons. This is not a political opinion: It was demonstrated in the Congressional Hearings.

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