Crown-Heights-Info-published-several-Letters-to-the-Editor-critical-of-an-article-titled-“A Shot-in-The-Dark”-published-by-Yonason-Rosenblum-

December 24th, 2019

Crown Heights Info published several Letters to the Editor critical of an article titled “A Shot in The Dark” published by Yonason Rosenblum

The Crown Heights Info article titled “Orthodox Jewish Healthcare Professionals Hit Back” published a collection  of “Letters to the Editor” by Pro-Vax pediatricians such as Dr Ellie Carmody MD from the Department of Infectious Diseases at New York University:

“We were deeply dismayed by the recent opinion piece by Yonason Rosenblum During the recent measles outbreak in New York, we learned that some of our Frum communities had inadequate access to accurate information about vaccines. They were therefore more vulnerable to misconceptions and inaccuracies spread by both “anti-vaxxers” and other misinformed community members”.

Dr Ellie Carmody vigorously defended the Department of Health vaccination mandate in response to “recent outbreaks within New York Haredi communities, including measles, mumps, and herpes”.

Crown Heights Info ensured that all the so-called medical experts were on the same page with the same agenda: Their goal: To demolish Rosenblum`s assertion that our community has been misled about the hazards of Gardasil (currently being legislated for forced vaccination of Orthodox girls from the age of 8 years.

In fact, Crown Heights Info appears to have selected these glorified Drug-Reps (irrespective of their titles) from the Modern-Orthodox Medical Community to perpetuate  the myth that Rosenblum is spreading the disinformation. They are the enlisting these programmed Modern Orthodox Pro-Vax medical activists to disguise the danger and justify the draconian mandates imposed by the DOH. The cardinal sin Rosenblum in his publication is removing the veil for these victimized parents who only want  to protect their children from a growing list of vaccinations (from about twelve 20 years ago to the current seventy-two).

Dr Ellie Carmody: “These encounters (meaning vaccinations) have involved increased state regulatory acts (banning all exemptions) over individual, community, religious beliefs and practices for the sake of protecting public health” (Ed). “These actions, in addition to New York State hypervigilance (coercion) in monitoring educational content in yeshivas (core-curriculum) create a tension and a sense that Orthodox communities are under siege (more accurately “tyranny”).

So, these medical experts are claiming that Rosenblum is guilty of disseminating his misguided perception).

Note in the article how these religious medical vaccine-pushers  begin lecturing to the rest of us las if we were obedient members of the herd (Remember “Animal Farm” ?):

“Like mandated child car seats and house lead inspections, it is simply about the safety of your children in a world that we cannot predict. It is an opportunity to keep your children free and pure from a common virus that can cause cervical, oral, vaginal, penile and anal cancers later in life, as well as warts. With certainty, we can state that the HPV vaccine prevents HPV-cancer-causing infections and precancers. With certainty, we can state that with over 12 years of monitoring and research, and over 120 million doses of the vaccine distributed, data continue to show that the vaccine is safe.”

Note how they pivot from mumps and measles (where the risk does not discriminate between one population and another), to Cervical Cancer which is exclusively related to sexual promiscuity.

The number of Jews conducting their lives following Halachic guidelines who develop Cervical Cancer is almost non-existent.

If these do-gooders want to protect us from those who practice a dual lifestyle, pretending to be Orthodox, while visiting houses of ill-repute, STD`s in the pool of prospective choices for marriage can be screened and easily identified by serology and other cutting-edge immune-assays and body-fluid cultures.

If a partner carries an STD (and remains a prospective choice) the prospective spouse is welcome to be vaccinated with Gardasil. Does that warrant coercing the rest of us to be vaccinated by Gardasil, who`s risk I unsuccessfully tried to Post as a comment on Crown Heights Info from the Government Website.

Being an Internist, Psychiatrist, Columbia Professor of Medical Genetics, Director of the Neuroscience Curriculum at SUNY, and Medical Referee for several prominent journals, I thought Id  explore whether Crown Heights Info had an agenda by simply quoting from the Vaccine Safety Datalink – a government Website, on the risks of Gardasil. in their "Comments Section". As expected, my comment was rejected. In order to ensure that the Orthodox Community receives some balance to their leaderships push for Gardasil compliance, I`m paraphrasing my comment here:

My comment:

 A 2011 study from the Vaccine Safety Datalink studied the occurrence of specific adverse events following more than 600,000 doses of Gardasil. As of May 13, 2013, VAERS had received 29,686 reports of adverse events following HPV vaccinations, including 136 reports of death, 922 reports of disability, and 550 life-threatening adverse events. More serious reported reactions include Guillain–Barré Syndrome (GBS), stroke, venous thromboembolism (VTE),  seizures, and the severe allergic reactions include life-threatening anaphylaxis. This report is published by the government itself. Considering that Cervical Cancer is extremely rare in the Orthodox Community, the idea of it being mandated is quite frightening.




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