Posts Tagged ‘ personal agency ’

Was the attack on Republican House of Representatives spontaneous?

Friday, June 16th, 2017

Hodgkinson`s giveaway was to throw the investigation off track by his inquiry about “who’s practicing today, the Democratics or Republicans?”. He already knew that. If not, why did he bring along the weapons and amount of ammunition to the specific location at the specific time? He had already been familiarized with all those details.
The reason for posing the question in such a casual way was to create a ruse to make the planned extermination of the Republican Leadership appear like something spontaneous.
Hodgkinson`s giveaway was to throw the investigation off track by his inquiry about “who’s practicing today, the Democratics or Republicans?”. He already knew that. If not, why did he bring along the weapons and amount of ammunition to the specific location at the specific time? He had already been familiarized with all those details.
The reason for posing the question in such a casual way was to create a ruse to make the planned extermination of the Republican Leadership appear like something spontaneous.


Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

I have described “Anomie” as a state of rapid deculturation observed among indigenous populations in North America subjected to rapid Westernization with the simultaneous removal of normative social-guidelines and normative behaviors that had evolved over generations, creating a sense of individual meaning, social cohesion, and a predictable social-habitat, so crucial to the development of sense-of meaning, empathy, sense-of-belonging, personal location, role, and hope for the future.

Creating a Therapeutic Narrative

Thursday, January 12th, 2017

Jane`s nights are so fretful because as a single young woman she you remains “un-soothed”
Responding to victims of long-term deprivation and early object-loss by showing companionship and verbal validation can succeed in providing a temporary “holding-environment” to compensate for their poorly developed self-soothing skills by conjuring-up any early nurturing experiences that they did have.
What I have found, (and this is supported by the literature) is that having at least one “Good Caretaker” experience during the early “formative” years is crucial in allowing them to be responsive to a variety of brief empathic responses. This evokes early recollections of having been soothed, allowing them to ride-out these wilderness crises.

Stockholm, Anomie, and the Trump victory melt-down syndrome

Thursday, November 24th, 2016

I have described “Anomie” as a state of rapid deculturation observed among indigenous populations in North America subjected to rapid Westernization with the simultaneous removal of normative social-guidelines and normative behaviors that had evolved over generations, creating a sense of individual meaning, social cohesion, and a predictable social-habitat, so crucial to the development of sense-of meaning, empathy, sense-of-belonging, personal location, role, and hope for the future.

The Election is fixed so that Hillary will win America`s last election, and there`s nothing that can be done to reverse a plan in the works for decades.

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016

How could the American people support the Obama-Clinton policies, especially with regard to failed foreign and economic policies that have placed the country at the brink of catastrophe. In light of the above-named revelations voting Hillary is tantamount to the Stockholm syndrome reminiscent of Kim Jong-un of North Korea camouflaged by a thin layer of lipstick, reminiscent of a Persona on life-support.

The Election is fixed: Why America`s final election cannot be reversed.

Friday, October 14th, 2016

Can the U.S. find a group of Maccabees willing to stop at nothing to save the republic ? A short list of what Hillary has done without the power of Presidency gives pause to reflect on how long we can last withot borders, with shrunken salaries, without affordable health-care, and infiltrated by the Egyptian Brotherhood. In short, a world ruled by Hillary !

Messiah’s Light Explained

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

While the concept of “Revelation” appears obtuse, abstract, and an ethereal dream to most, Maimonides (the Rambam) brings it both as A Positive Mitzvah in the Book of Judges, in the section “The Laws of Kings and their Wars”; as well as one of the Fundamental Principles of Jewish Faith (Ikkarim).

The outbreak of Azika Virus in Brazil following Maternal Vaccination: Coincidence or design ?

Friday, June 3rd, 2016

The Azika virus was initially identified in 1947 in Uganda, where it was originally limited to rhesus monkeys. It’s an arbovirus, meaning the disease is transmitted via mosquito, tick or flea bites. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists malnutrition and exposure to toxic chemicals as two of the three known risk Read more…

Trump and Cruz need a narrative to protect us from the disinformation-warfare of the Left.

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

The parallel between Israel and the West in finding a remedy to an Islamic Trojan -horse lies in winning the war of disinformation . It`s what Victor Frankl termed “finding the narrative”. How does a host embed itself amidst alien communities that threaten the host`s autonomy. Or “How do we find a narrative that allows our continued survival ?

PTSD, Complex Trauma, and DESNOS – Different Models of Psychological Trauma

Monday, October 11th, 2010

While classic PTSD is dominated by symptoms of “reliving the trauma” (referring to symptoms such as flashbacks, fear and arousal, and avoidance behaviors, victims of prolonged interpersonal abuse present with an entirely different spectrum of impairments in personality structure and functioning. These include difficulties with emotional regulation, attention, and perceptions of oneself and the world, as well as a reduced sense of autonomy and personal agency. Another area of self-function that becomes derailed as a result of prolonged abuse pertains to the formation of distorted cognitive schemas responsible for negotiating interpersonal relationships. Even in work and marriage these victims seem unconsciously compelled to return to abusive relationships in which they reenact their inner trauma-generated schemas.