Posts Tagged ‘ Stockholm Syndrome ’


Tuesday, January 29th, 2019

During the “Cold War,” individuals living under Soviet rule would have to be on constant guard against “thought police.” Children were indoctrinated in school to inform authorities, even on their parents if they spoke critically or even questioningly against the State, even within the privacy of their home. An entire society was forbidden to follow Read more…

Was the attack on Republican House of Representatives spontaneous?

Friday, June 16th, 2017

Hodgkinson`s giveaway was to throw the investigation off track by his inquiry about “who’s practicing today, the Democratics or Republicans?”. He already knew that. If not, why did he bring along the weapons and amount of ammunition to the specific location at the specific time? He had already been familiarized with all those details.
The reason for posing the question in such a casual way was to create a ruse to make the planned extermination of the Republican Leadership appear like something spontaneous.
Hodgkinson`s giveaway was to throw the investigation off track by his inquiry about “who’s practicing today, the Democratics or Republicans?”. He already knew that. If not, why did he bring along the weapons and amount of ammunition to the specific location at the specific time? He had already been familiarized with all those details.
The reason for posing the question in such a casual way was to create a ruse to make the planned extermination of the Republican Leadership appear like something spontaneous.


Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

I have described “Anomie” as a state of rapid deculturation observed among indigenous populations in North America subjected to rapid Westernization with the simultaneous removal of normative social-guidelines and normative behaviors that had evolved over generations, creating a sense of individual meaning, social cohesion, and a predictable social-habitat, so crucial to the development of sense-of meaning, empathy, sense-of-belonging, personal location, role, and hope for the future.

Hillary Clinton supporters were psychologically as close to being Cult-like as those who mourned the death of Kim Jong Un

Friday, November 25th, 2016

I have described “Anomie” as a state of rapid deculturation observed among indigenous populations in North America subjected to rapid Westernization with the simultaneous removal of normative social-guidelines and normative behaviors that had evolved over generations, creating a sense of individual meaning, social cohesion, and a predictable social-habitat, so crucial to the development of sense-of meaning, empathy, sense-of-belonging, personal location, role, and hope for the future.

Stockholm, Anomie, and the Trump victory melt-down syndrome

Thursday, November 24th, 2016

I have described “Anomie” as a state of rapid deculturation observed among indigenous populations in North America subjected to rapid Westernization with the simultaneous removal of normative social-guidelines and normative behaviors that had evolved over generations, creating a sense of individual meaning, social cohesion, and a predictable social-habitat, so crucial to the development of sense-of meaning, empathy, sense-of-belonging, personal location, role, and hope for the future.

The Election is fixed so that Hillary will win America`s last election, and there`s nothing that can be done to reverse a plan in the works for decades.

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016

How could the American people support the Obama-Clinton policies, especially with regard to failed foreign and economic policies that have placed the country at the brink of catastrophe. In light of the above-named revelations voting Hillary is tantamount to the Stockholm syndrome reminiscent of Kim Jong-un of North Korea camouflaged by a thin layer of lipstick, reminiscent of a Persona on life-support.

CNN sends Donna Brazile flying after being caught feeding Hillary questions prior to her debate with Sanders.

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016

CNN sends Donna Brazile flying after being caught feeding Hillary questions prior to her debate with Sanders. According to Wikileaks, prior to the debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, Interim Democratic Chairwoman and employee of CNN Donna Brazile notified Hillary Clinton and her campaign-manager Podesta a question that would be fielded from the audience Read more…

The Election is fixed: Why America`s final election cannot be reversed.

Friday, October 14th, 2016

Can the U.S. find a group of Maccabees willing to stop at nothing to save the republic ? A short list of what Hillary has done without the power of Presidency gives pause to reflect on how long we can last withot borders, with shrunken salaries, without affordable health-care, and infiltrated by the Egyptian Brotherhood. In short, a world ruled by Hillary !

Frank Luntz focus Group provides Empirical Evidence that Trump will win if he compassionately articulates the threat of a Hillary Presidency

Tuesday, October 11th, 2016

It was in the Frank Luntz work-group on 10/10/2016 in the Fox News channel at 8-9 p.m. when Bill-O`Reilly hosted a post-debate sample (among other topic-experts being interviewed) that a scientifically-sound measure of Participants showed physiologically-based favorability elevations when he engaged Hillary in a certain way. In a perfectly-timed pre-debate release, Hillary pulled the antics Read more…

Hillary rigged the First Presidential Debate with the help of both a Moderator and Teleprompter

Wednesday, September 28th, 2016

As a Block-Director in various Neuroscience Courses at S.U.N.Y. we requested that each lecturer submit 3-4 potential questions for the final Block-Examination we followed standard scales of question neutrality. To the point that lecturers were often embarrassed when shown how the wording of a question tilted astute students to correctly answer questions in a subject Read more…


Monday, June 27th, 2016

Political correctness has taken us to the brink. Is there a way back ?

Trump and Cruz need a narrative to protect us from the disinformation-warfare of the Left.

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

The parallel between Israel and the West in finding a remedy to an Islamic Trojan -horse lies in winning the war of disinformation . It`s what Victor Frankl termed “finding the narrative”. How does a host embed itself amidst alien communities that threaten the host`s autonomy. Or “How do we find a narrative that allows our continued survival ?

Type – I and Type – II Trauma Models

Friday, August 7th, 2015

Type I Trauma responses relate to a single terrifying event, often shocking or catastrophic, and usually totally unanticipated. Survivors of these events may suffer a wide array of symptoms, including intense fear, or even dissociation, where the individual’s awareness and ability to engage psychologically in the present is usurped by traumatic material or defenses. The Read more…

The Yom-Kippur debacle: How Israel`s underlying “Good Mother Complex” toward the U.S. almost proved fatal

Friday, January 30th, 2015

In my book titled Psychological Trauma, I attempt to explain the interpersonal dynamics of three functional entities involved in abuse, whether domestic or political (published by Authorhouse, 2015). A model posing a triad of predator, victim, and caretaker, applies both at the individual or community level. Since its establishment as a sovereign Jewish State in 1948, Read more…

Israel`s Yom Kippur debacle as reported in Golda Meir`s Autobiography

Thursday, June 26th, 2014

In my book Modern Political Terrorism, I attempt to explain that there are usually three parties involved in domestic or political abuse (Published by Richard Altschuler & Associates 2007). Since Israel was established as a sovereign State in 1948, despite continuous boycotts and sanctions from the U.N., Europe and many of the African and Muslim Read more…

To this day, America`s Foreign-Policy template is based on an assumption that Israel needs to make “painful territorial concessions”

Thursday, June 26th, 2014

Following the Holocaust, the “League of Nations” was expanded in size and authority into a collective world body named “The United Nations” to serve the collective function of civilization charged with the mission to protect civilian minorities from a repetition of another holocaust. Shortly after the establishment of the Jewish State a tragic irony emerged characterized by a pattern of ante-Israeli scapegoat-ism. Israel first turned to France, and then to the U.S. as its sole ally. The Yom Kippur War exposed how this decision placed Israel in peril. The final chapter of this deception in now being openly and shamelessly displayed.

Effects of prolonged trauma on Self-Functions

Thursday, May 16th, 2013

February 15, 2012 The core elements of the PTSD construct  consist primarily of  the three  “symptom-domains”,  of  “Intrusive Symptoms” (such as flashbacks), “Over-Arousal” (such as heightened vigilance and exaggerated startle-response), and ‘Avoidance”. This is the most common outcome to a single, life-threatening event  (or Type-I Trauma). In contrast, individuals subjected to repeated physical  or emotional “abuse”, Read more…

Intifada and the Continuous Terror Paradigm

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010

I would like to introduce the concept of “Continuous Terror Paradigm”, proposed by Dr. Shalev and colleagues from Hadassah University Hospital. While many studies in psychological literature evaluate PTSD following a discrete traumatic occurrence, the recent article by Dr. Shalev and colleagues evaluates the effect of continuous terror by examining the occurrence of general distress, Read more…