Stockholm refers to the unique bond of loyalty established between a hostage and his or her captor occurring within the dynamic of the victim’s absolute dependence upon the predator (Dee, Graham and colleagues,” Love Thine Enemy; Hostages and the Classic Stockholm Syndrome.” NY University Press, 1994).
This unique attachment established between the victim and captor evolves from the exclusive dependence by the former on the latter. In exchange for the restricted life granted by the captor, these victims are willing to adopt a false reality in which no harm can come to them.
In this apparent act of self-deception, victims of Stockholm syndrome believe that their irrational empathy for their captors and their ideologies will protect them.
The psychological dynamics dominating subservient bonding patterns have been previously conducted among abused children and women, victims of incest, cult members, mistreated prisoners of war, and criminal hostage situations.
On a global scale, Political Predators have could assert draconian-power over populations ranging from benevolent tyranny to outright abuse, mounting to “Crimes against Innocent Humanity”. This has recently occurred under Left-Wing Socialist Dictatorships such as the Soviet Union and North Korea, and is documented in other dictatorial regimes by Human Rights Groups.
Using a combination of threat, isolation, and propaganda, political tyranny has asserted the ideas of small elite groups over the collective consciousness of large populations-groups, who, in-turn, become inducted into the mythical ideologies of their controllers.
Recently, charismatic leaders have illustrated the power of Archetypal Caretakers (as was once seen under Monarchies) by piggy-backing off the science of imprinting and biasing content-material usurping the media, education, and the entertainment industry to indoctrinate vulnerable populations, thereby asserting control over “collective thought-patterns”, seducing them toward shared ideological goals and beliefs, imperceptibly imprinting a quasi-religious-reverence toward lofty collective narratives that produce a simple relief-effect similar to what`s been described in by studies observing closed religious cults.
Adherents are rewarded by their shared devotion to these quasi-mystical myths, devised by the idealized leader’s personal-goals, who has simultaneously masked the sinister-side of their agenda.
So, the herd can be programmed to coalesce around sinister indoctrination-slogans such as “hands-up-don’t-shoot”, (a narrative fabricated to galvanize unrest among African-Americans), or organizations like “planned-parenthood” whose euphemistic title providing credibility to killing viable full-term fetuses some of which are harvested for the sale of body-parts.
The purpose of such emotionally-charged slogans masquerade as being welfare-oriented to induct vulnerable civilians through unconscious imprinting, into a world-view consistent with their masters is like the ploys used by cult-members. Marc Galanter`s study of the techniques used by the Unification Church to induce novices showed a consistency with the methods of other religious and cult groups. Certain The use of ideological myths and rationales to rationalize and validate all the novice`s distress about regarding being disconnected, alienated, or rejected. Similarly, close religious groups and cults provide structure and order, by engaging in symbolic rituals. The greater the sense of group-cohesion, the greater the inductee feels relieved of his cognitive dissonance, relieved of his distress and isolation, and a stronger sense of self-worth.
This is not unlike the techniques being employed to lure, by the combination of false promises, to the psychologically vulnerable inductee a new-world-order, where all the rewards one could wish for are provided by the eternal wellsprings of a perfect Welfare-State, in exchange for eternal obedience.
This liturgy of myths and falsehoods has created a substrate for an entire generation of Post-Millennia, so flooded with high-intensity I-Phone and other high-tech virtual realities that have replaced higher-cortical thinking and problem-solving, by media-driven mantras filled with empty hope.
But these shallow slogans can never replace the crucial nutrients required by the cognitive templates that guide our true sense-of-identity. And the false sense of belonging is exposed as being highly tenuous when compared to relationships welded by spontaneous bonding within a field of shared values within true communities.
Most of the belief-systems imposed on us by the current Democratic Party hadn`t been heard of, or had organically run their predictable course into bankruptcy with no need of resurrection.
Chavez was one of Obama`s Economic Gurus. It was the repetition of every Populist`s rise to power with the Will of the population: The following draconian steps were involved in creating a Socialist country with a Populous Dictator:
- Step 1, Nationalize business
- Step 2, confiscate the savings of the highest 10% of earners.
- Step 3, Grant massively expensive Social Welfare Systems.
- Aside from the wealthiest 10% of the population, the Democratic majority is financially better-off
- The President and his cronies redistribute the wealth to friends and the Party-Faithful.
- The leader, like Chavez, idealized as the Champion of the people, lasts until a country such as Venezuela, one of the wealthiest countries in South America, ran out of the funds it had stolen from those who generated the wealth
- Following years of “milking the golden calf” their children inherit a new set of circumstances: One that is without wealth, and without their charismatic leader
The herd “as they refer to us”, now lives in a vacuum of meaning.
Absent the Forums with fair referees allowing the free-exchange of ideas via group-discussion using reliable didactic information-sources that encourage the exchange of opposing-ideas, debated in open and fair forums.
Our educational format no-longer provides a forum that allows for social-learning, time to gather and process information that facilitate and encourage the cross-hibernation of subjects that were fundamental to the formulation of our opinions of years-gone-bye.
The Hospital Cafeteria as an Information-Hub
I remember a professor once telling me “the twenty minutes spent in the doctor`s cafeteria having tea and scons is when I learn and accomplish the most for my patients”.
“Why” I wondered.”
“Because when my colleagues see me they remember their patients that have psychiatric problems. And likewise, that`s when I run into the neurologist, or my trauma-group co-therapist”.
When we had a renowned visiting professor, we would reserve one of the “Special Function” Rooms in the cafeteria where I would listening-in on a discussion between our Professor with the guest-lecturer, on occasion Nobel-Prize winners, using the opportunity to find anything relevant to what I was learning.
Within modern-day phenomena of cult experience, the American Psychiatric Association created a committee on “Psychiatry and Religion”, who placed the chairmanship under Dr. Marc Galanter.
The report culminated in a three-year effort which brought together experts in the psychological needs behind cult membership, vulnerabilities, the relief-effect provided by the closely-protected specific cult-group; as well as the psycho-dynamics of the cult-leader.
But these studies examined extreme-religious cults.
When entire communities lose their power of critical thinking, there is nothing to protect them from the exploitations of their ‘anointed’ leaders.
Within this religious or political model, unquestioning dogma can explain all facets of life.
While lacking some of the other attributes of Stockholm syndrome, the replacement of autonomy and critical-thinking with a “pseudo-science” explaining the “sacred” ideology of one`s leaders is only slightly removed.
New, deceptive, high-tech field-tested systems are already in-place, applying principles of shaping social-behavior to change the essential fabric of the Collective Identity of U.S. Citizens. We are a highly regulated target-audience for the collection of Biopsychosocial profiles.
While we still function under the assumption that what the Federal-Government, State and City Government legislate is what’s healthy and beneficial to its citizens.
Control over the information fed us, in fact creates an almost total disconnect.
The inner-circle around Obama infiltrated vital aspects of National Security with members or close-relations to members of the Islamic Brotherhood, the umbrella organization for all the other Islamic terrorist-organizations.
The dynamic of obedience between submissive-slave and political ruler, whose tyranny the victim develops an empathic bond toward his master; or the extent of “idealization” within the fabric of this abuse relationship is a symptom of a Stockholm syndrome described by Galanter, in the “psychology of the cult-experience” (Galanter, Marc. “Psychological Induction into the Large-Group.” Am J Psychiatry, 1980).”
In the early 1960`s an American task-force was established to determine the impact of rapid Westernization or transformation to vulnerable communities whose cultural norms had experienced rapid evisceration.
For-instance, a clinical comparison was made between the two divided cultures found in Guinea. Within a very short time a rapid process of socio-cultural change was introduced to half of the population.
This process of rapid socio-cultural change created feelings of social and cultural deprivation, confusion, and absence of sense of meaning. While this occurred, there was a documented escalation of violence, vocational-failure, and heightened alcohol and substance-abuse. The term that was coined for this state of psychological and spiritual deterioration was “Anomie”.
Anomie is the result of the deletion of real relationship-templates, evolved through social learning and role-modelling in a world of real attachment, bonding, and culturally-specific guidelines for normative social-behavior that has been replaced by anonymous impersonation within a virtual world of Skype, Instant-messaging, and internet, lacking the social-bonding and attachment that occurs within the traditional community.
Anomie derives from the sudden loss of normative traditions, where the Self-Other interaction occurs within a natural multisensory domain which has evolved and become regulated over multiple-generations.
Rapid deconstruction of this social structure, with associated loss of normative cultural bonding, creates social and cognitive deprivation, cultural confusion, and loss of intimacy-seeking.
The failure of normal social attachment-behaviors, role-models, sense-of-meaning and acquired social and vocational skills, also imparts a sense of pessimism, as these virtual-reality victims sense the bleak chances of socio-economic success.
The experiences of loss-of traditional culture, combined with social marginalization and imposed Westernization have in many of the aboriginal First Nations of North America, including Alaska and Greenland, been reflected in relatively high levels of social-confusion, breakdown of family and community structure, anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, and of juvenile suicide. The situation is very similar in some regions of the South Pacific.
Cults and New Religious Movements
A Report by the American Psychiatric Association
Edited by Marc Galanter, 1989
Tags: personal agency, political terrorism, Psychodynamics of the melt-down of the Liberal-Left, Stockholm Syndrome, trauma re-enactment