The Election is fixed: Why America`s final election cannot be reversed.

October 14th, 2016

Most Americans detest Mr. Putin. He`s wanted for crimes committed against the citizens of Syria, and it baffles us why the Russians admire, even idealize him.
Can you imagine any circumstance under which the citizens of Russia could change their opinion from one of un-daunting admiration to that of distaste or even revulsion?
Let us imagine that Russia had three mortal enemies (excluding terrorism).
What would happen in a scenario where Putin sold: 20% of Russia`s Uranium to her most lethal rival (at a personal profit of $120,000,000), Classified Secrets on its most advanced Fighter Jets (to his most expansive and belligerent enemy), and then sealed a deal with a pariah terrorist state, legitimizing and protecting its prolific production-line of ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads.
Then, adding insult to injury, if Putin co-opted the major News Outlets into disseminating a false narrative that lulled his civilian population into a false complacency that omitted mention about any potential risk?
If such a diabolical plan was exposed, would Putin continue to be as blindly idealized by the citizens of the Motherland?
Would Russian citizens support an environmental plan that penalized business for Carbon-emission while spraying its population with Chem-Trails, Carcinogenic Pesticides, and Fertility-Lowering GMO corn, while embarking on a bold “vaccination plan”, using the D.N.A.-attack preservative Thimerosal loaded in mandatory vaccinations that shorten the lives of the elderly, and reduce fertility of prepubescents; in order to achieve “planetary stabilization”, a hypothetical number of 700 million people, calculated to “stabilize the planet”.
According to WikiLeaks, Hillary Clinton, with the support of Mr. Obama, has committed all three of the above-mentioned acts of treason.
Both of the Clintons, via back-door channels, sold the plans of our most advanced fighter-jets to China (
As Secretary of State, (via multiple intermediaries), she brokered the sale of 20% of Americas Uranium to the Russians (
Hillary strongly supported the Iran-Nuclear Deal which not only legitimized Iran as a Nuclear Superpower, whose nuclear production-line will remain unverifiable, and its ballistic missile program immune from any restraint.
And rather than shoring-up borders-control, (openly inspired by ISIS, as an Islamic invasion), she advocates for opening them wider, openly admitting that she wants “no borders” – creating an unvetted invasion from the Middle-East, while stifling the opposition whom she labels as Xenophobic racists.
All of this while purposefully keeping us in the dark via a sinister but lucrative collusion with Main-Stream Media and left-wing academia, including every T.V. channel from B.B.C. to MSNBC and C.N.N., to the New York Times and Washington Post. As one commentator remarked: “We’ve put the Pravda to shame”.
While “running for cover” under attacks of Xenophobia and “hate speech”, Hillary has gone-about electing senior members of the White House Security Team from members of the Egyptian Brotherhood.
In May 2015, former Army Special Services Officer Scott Bennett, revealed that he had irrefutable proof that the Obama administration had been funding ISIS through Swiss bank accounts and were also supplying weapons to their CIA support-group.
How could the American people support Obama’s terrorist policies, especially with regard to ISIS, in light of these revelations? After one reads the remainder of this article, one should consider any terrorist attack upon America by ISIS as an attack coming from the White House (
Department of Homeland Security Deputy Mayor, Arif Alikhan openly participated in a Muslim Public Affairs Council fundraiser titled “Be the Change,” in order to support that organization’s leadership-development programs which openly advocate for the Sharia Law takeover of the United States”.
Mohamed Elibiary is an advisor to the Department of Homeland Security. Out of this list he probably is the most controversial. According to a November 9, CBS News Conference, Elibiary spoke at a Texas conference in 2004 and honored Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini as a “great Islamic visionary.”
Being a member of the Department of Homeland Security’s Advisory Council granted him access to a nationwide database that contained terror watch-lists and sensitive FBI-reports, which he was accused of leaking.
Is anyone surprised that Security Agencies were aware of, yet unable to prevent, many of the terrorist attacks in the U.S. ranging from F. Hood to the Boston Marathon?
Examining the depth, duration, and extent of collusion-with, and integration with our traditional enemies (and the immunity obtained by their seniority), where can the U.S. begin separating self- from non-self?
This is the dilemma of an Immune-System usurped by the Human Aids Virus.
Rather than one cell – line being subsumed by a foreign D.N.A., here we are metaphorically discussing an entire infected community. The herd has been infected by a handful of government policy-makers working hand-n-hand with big industry and ideological demagogues. It must now decide whether to hear the extent of the risk to the republic, or surrender the republic, democracy, and forever forfeit the possibility of living in a free-world.
Where does this begin?
Start by looking at those conducting a personal war with Trump, and willing to do anything for Hillary.
Since these claims have now been confirmed by WikiLeaks, all of our Republican contenders need to chose is how to carry the message in their unique way: “If America is to survive as a patient, there needs to be a paid media-blitz, simply repeating over and over to the community of comatose patients, that if the entire organism is not awoken, Universal Care will pull the plug on them.

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