Meeting between Rabbi Drazen and the Rebbe of Lubavitch leading to the publication of the "Divine Code": The Template for a Universal Ethical Code of Justice

July 4th, 2016

I am releasing a letter from Dr. Michoel Schulman (Editor and Translator of “The Divine Code”, a translation of the Seven Noahide Laws; “The Sheva Mitzvahs Bnei Noah” by Rabbi Moshe Weiner).

When I see the passion of a Jewish Academic from U. Pennsylvania, how he clings toward every word that the Rebbe said;

When I see it framed in such a scholarly way;

Click this link to listen to see the discussion between Rabbi Drazan, (Senior Chaplain in the US. Defense Force, and the Rebbe. Rabbi Jacob Goldstein stands in the background


Shalom Rabbi Dr. Baruch,

Thank you for your message about the response your received that:

“Regarding your idea about Sheva Mitzvos B’nei Noach … it had come up to the board of Merkos and after numerous meetings it was decided that the Rebbe did not have in mind [sic.] that the shluchim should put their “koichos” (powers) into that…”

Maybe instead of Merkos having numerous committee meetings to decide and dictate what the Rebbe had in mind, it would be better to look into the actual words of the Rebbe, on the safe assumption that the Rebbe actually had in mind what he said. Rabbi Yehoishophot Oliver has performed the invaluable service of translating many published records of the Rebbe’s sichos at public farbrengens about promoting knowledge and observance of the Sheva Mitzvos among Gentiles, and among these are Sichos in which the Rebbe told us what he had in mind in regard to Shluchim putting koichos into this.Here are some footnoted excerpts from Rabbi Oliver’s translations [this is still-unpublished intellectual property of Rabbi Oliver].

Kol tuv,
Dr. Michoel Schulman

Excerpts from Sichos by the Rebbe

The International Conference of Chabad Shluchim has the advantage and strength of a congregation. This endows every single emissary with special strength for his individual mission in his own location, and to all the emissaries as a whole, to continue their work to disseminate Torah, Judaism, and the wellsprings of Chassidic teachings outward…
Put simply, the emissaries all have common activities in which each one can learn and receive advice, encouragement, and support from another emissary who has succeeded in a particular area. This also includes seeking advice [at the conference] about activities for disseminating justice and righteousness among the Gentile nations through bringing them to adhere to the Noahide Code, and how to increase and expand this in all sorts of ways. [1]
[1] Hitva’aduyot 5747, Vol. 1, p. 544. [Editorial note: this could accurately be paraphrased as “putting koichos.”]

The unique novelty of the “Global Conference of Chabad Shluchim” – and hence the need for Divine assistance and human participation, efforts, and involvement – may also be inferred from its name. The simple meaning of the title “Global Conference” is one in which emissaries from all over the world take part. But it also contains a deeper meaning:
The word “global” implies that the conference ought to be on a global scale. This means that the conference, and primarily, the mission work of its participants – the Shluchim – must influence the entire world… In this connection there is a further matter of primary importance. In order to make a dwelling place for G-d in this world that encompasses the entire world, that it be truly global (as the Conference of Emissaries is described, on a truly global scale), it is necessary to influence the Gentile nations – especially in light of the fact that they constitute the vast majority of mankind. …
In addition to a Jew’s shlichus to observe the Torah and mitzvot, and to influence other Jews to do likewise, he is also commanded to influence the Gentile nations to observe the Seven Noahide Commandments, as Maimonides rules, “Moses was commanded by the Al-mighty to compel all the inhabitants of the world to accept the commandments given to Noah’s descendants.” This can be explained as follows: The general theme underlying the entire Noahide Code is that “He formed it [the world] to be settled” – this means inhabiting and civilizing the world, to make it into a place suitable for human inhabitation. It then becomes fit for the Jews to make from it a dwelling place for G-d. If any place in the world lacks proper civilization, that place is not completely fit to be made a dwelling place for G-d. …
Now the reason that it is called a “Global Conference of Chabad Shluchim” is apparent. The term “Global Conference of Chabad Shluchim” implies an assembly and unity of Shluchim from various places in the world – in fact from all four corners of the globe. Each Shaliach represents the Jews and in his place, and the Gentile nations as well with whom he works, and whom he assists in their Divine service. This further underlines the principle that the task of the Shluchim is to influence the entire world and make it a dwelling place for G-d. [2]
[2] Sefer HaSichot 5750, Vol. 1, pp. 142-145. See also ibid. 5752, Vol. 2, p. 364. Cf. Hitva’aduyot 5748, Vol. 1, p. 501; ibid. 5750, Vol. 1, p. 380.

Maimonides writes: “Although Isaiah states: ‘The wolf will dwell with the lamb,’ … these [words] are a metaphor and a parable … [interpreted to mean that in the Messianic Age] the Jewish people will dwell securely together with the wicked of the nations … and they [the nations] will all return to the true faith and no longer steal rob nor destroy.” This emphasizes first and foremost the refinement of the Gentile nations.
The equivalent of this in our Divine service, which prepares the way for this prophecy, is the activity of Chabad Houses not only to influence Jewish people, but also Gentiles. [3]
[3] Hitva’aduyot 5747, Vol. 1, p. 490.

My father-in-law, the [Previous] Rebbe, whose first name is Joseph, is the “Joseph” of our generation. He has paved the way for all his students and Shluchim who follow in his ways, and through them, for all the Jewish people, to occupy themselves with disseminating Torah and Judaism, and spreading the wellsprings of Chassidic teachings in every place and circumstance – even in “Egypt,” [i.e. the paradigm for] a place that is furthermost from G-dliness.
They can accomplish this in a way that not only does their presence in the “outside” (“Egypt”) [where holiness is absent] not detract from their attachment to G-d. On the contrary, they can influence the entire “land of Egypt,” fulfilling the imperative upon Jews “to compel all the inhabitants of the world to accept the commandments given to Noah’s descendants … because the Holy One, blessed be He, commanded them in the Torah and informed us through Moses our teacher [that Noah’s descendants had been commanded to fulfill them previously],” as Maimonides rules clearly. [4]

[4] Likkutei Sichot, Vol. 30, pp. 226, 228.

The Rebbe’s words speak for themselves.

Right now, HaShem wants to send Moshiach and the Geulah Shelaima, and He wants us to prepare ourselves and the rest of the world for this. The way we do that is by doing what He told us to do – to learn and observe the obligations He gave us, which includes our G’d-given obligation to encourage Gentiles to learn and observe the obligations He gave to them. To put this very briefly because I’m pressed for time right now:

The Rebbe said that the way to approach a decent Gentile, whether secular or religious, it to say to him/her:
You are doing a lot of good things in your life. That is wonderful and you should continue to do so. But G-d also gave these 7 commandments in the Bible that are for all people, and they were never taken away or replaced, so they still apply. If you will add these on to what you are doing now, you’ll find that it will bring you into a closer, more personal relationship with G-d. What I’m giving you is just the basic description, but it has a lot of depth. If you want to look into it and learn more, here is where you can do that…

Here is how one rabbi promoted the 7 Mitzvos and their moral umbrella to decent Gentiles in a way that the Rebbe was very pleased with

Kol tuv,

Michoel Schulman


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